4 Changing Reasons I Now Attend the Global Leadership Summit

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It probably comes as no surprise to you to learn that I have attended the Global Leadership Summit every year for many, many years.

But in recent years I have found that my reasons for needing to be at the Summit have been changing. Instead of focusing solely on my own need for personal development, new reasons have been percolating to the surface.

As you consider your own participation in this year’s Summit, as with my journey, you too may want to put some weight on these factors:

1.   I need to be a part of something far bigger than myself
I recognize that my natural tendency is to make everything about myself. The Global Leadership Summit reminds me every year that God is up to something far beyond my own little sphere. This year there will be more than 7000 Christian leaders gathered at the Summit across Canada, and another 150,000 or so world-wide.

I need to be a part of something like that.

2.   Every year God seems to provide me with an opportunity to bless someone else
I’ve developed a habit to start each Summit day with the prayer, “God, if you want me to be a blessing to someone here today, I make myself available.”

Whether it’s at a coffee break, resource lineup or over lunch, each year God provides such an opportunity.

That does my soul a lot of good.

3.   Local churches coming together gives me a beautiful glimpse of the “true Church”
Somehow I sense heaven is smiling when every denomination in our community come together at the Summit.

There’s just nothing like worshipping alongside brothers and sisters in Christ from every church in the community.

4.   It’s important to celebrate the giftedness of others
There’s an army of volunteers at each Summit site, diligently serving with their gifts and talents.

I find great value in simply celebrating and affirming their servants’ hearts.

If you find yourself sitting on the fence as to whether you’ll take in this year’s Global Leadership Summit, let me challenge you to think beyond your personal development.

Perhaps, like me, you’ll find you need to be there for purposes far beyond your own leadership.

The best pricing is TODAY (September 25) for the Global Leadership Summit 2012 in Canada.

What reasons is the Summit a “can’t miss” event for you?

the author

Scott Cochrane

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