The Power of Perspective: Managing Anxiety in Leadership

One of the most important functions of effective leadership is to master the power of perspective. Leaders require the ability to look at problems and determine their relative size and importance. “Is this a big problem, or a little problem?” “Of all of the problems facing our team, which is the most important, and which is…

How to Leverage Perspective To Manage Leadership Anxiety

One of the most important functions of effective leadership is to master the power of perspective. Leaders require the ability to look at problems and determine their relative size and importance. “Is this a big problem, or a little problem?” “Of all of the problems facing our team, which is the most important, and which is…

How to Alleviate Leadership Anxiety With the Power of Perspective

One of the most important functions of effective leadership is to master the power of perspective. Leaders require the ability to look at problems and determine their relative size and importance. “Is this a big problem, or a little problem?” “Of all of the problems facing our team, which is the most important, and which is…

In A World That Values Optimism, When Should A Leader Be A Pessimist?

As a leader, should you always be an optimist? The answer is “yes”…and “no”…and “sometimes”… The reality is, there are times when a leader must be a grim-faced pessimist, while in other times it requires being a cheery-faced optimist. How do you know? Here’s a basic guideline to help you navigate this. A leader must be…