The Fatal Flaws of Outdated Team Decision-Making Methods

Teams don’t make decisions. Individuals make decisions. Every decision must have someone’s name written next to it.  The idea that there is such thing as a “team decision” is one of the biggest myths in leadership. And correcting that myth could represent a significant leadership breakthrough. Someone must own the outcome. Someone must pace around thinking…

3 Ways Your Fast Decisions Could Be Hurting Your Results

Today’s leadership culture celebrates fast decision making. But the reality is, if your decisions are happening too quickly you could be doing more harm than good. A recent Google search on the question, “How to make fast decisions” returned an astonishing 490,000,000 hits. Some of the articles that appeared carried titles like: “How to Make…

4 Ways To Avoid A Classic Leadership Decision-Making Blunder

Some of the worst leadership decisions take place simply because the wrong person made the decision.  As a leadership mentor told me years ago, “If you’re not clear who is supposed to make the decision, things will get very fuzzy, very fast.” Several years ago the organization I was with had partnered with another organization to present…

Are You Still Making Team Decisions? This Is Why They’re Doomed To Fail

Teams don’t make decisions. Individuals make decisions. Every decision must have someone’s name written next to it.  The idea that there is such thing as a “team decision” is one of the biggest myths in leadership. And correcting that myth could represent a significant leadership breakthrough. Someone must own the outcome. Someone must pace around thinking…