Protect Your Team: Spotting and Neutralizing the Top 6 Culture-Killers

What you allow, you encourage. In leadership, this nugget of truth is especially true when it comes to the building of a healthy culture. When you allow fun, candor, initiative and diligence, those qualities will be encouraged to flourish. Similarly, when you allow Culture Killers like grumbling, selfishness and laziness, so too are you encouraging…

Navigating the Leadership Pipeline: Best Practices for Talent Identification

As a leader, nothing you do will ensure long-term impact like finding and developing emerging leadership talent. Effective leaders are like gold-miners, always looking for the next “rising star” on the team. Rising stars are those members of your team who are exhibiting ever-increasing passion, desire and, most importantly, results. So, how do you actually…

The Fatal Flaws of Outdated Team Decision-Making Methods

Teams don’t make decisions. Individuals make decisions. Every decision must have someone’s name written next to it.  The idea that there is such thing as a “team decision” is one of the biggest myths in leadership. And correcting that myth could represent a significant leadership breakthrough. Someone must own the outcome. Someone must pace around thinking…

How Bad Virtual Habits Can Become Powerful Leadership Tools

The leadership habits you developed in the era of virtual meetings can be transformed into powerful leadership skills. In the space of a few short years, we went from virtual leadership from being an occasional convenience, to being an essential, regular part of how you lead. And while well-managed virtual leadership can extend your leadership,…