Innovate, Don’t Imitate: 3 Essential Tips to Evade Copy-Cat Leadership

One of the best ways to develop in your leadership is to learn from other leaders. One of the worst ways is to merely copy these great leaders. Growing leaders will read about other great leaders, will seek to discern their leadership traits, even emulate their leadership skills. Copy-cat leaders do little more than mimic…

The Art of Adapting: Staying Fresh in Your Leadership

In leadership, there’s nothing quite like proven, reliable experience. But if you’re not careful, all that experience can slide into nothing more than tired staleness. Effective leaders keep their leadership fresh and positive by developing a way of looking at the world that’s renewing, and hopeful. It’s a counter-intuitive, almost contradictory perspective that prevents reliable…

How To Maximize The Impact Of “On The Way” Leadership

To increase your sense of satisfaction as a leader, shift your focus away from the destination and focus instead on the journey. Your satisfaction level will soar. Most leaders focus almost exclusively on “destination leadership”. That’s the emphasis on leading from the head of the conference table, from the white board in front of the…

3 Ways Your Fast Decisions Could Be Hurting Your Results

Today’s leadership culture celebrates fast decision making. But the reality is, if your decisions are happening too quickly you could be doing more harm than good. A recent Google search on the question, “How to make fast decisions” returned an astonishing 490,000,000 hits. Some of the articles that appeared carried titles like: “How to Make…