The Global Leadership Summit in Canada is just a month away! Momentum is building, and registrations are coming in at a phenomenal pace. Thank you Canadian leaders for catching (and casting!) the vision for what God may want to do in and through the church in Canada by firing up passionate leaders! Earlier this spring…
Guest Post – Getting the Right Things Done by David Arrol Macfarlane
Today I’m pleased to feature a guest post from David Arrol Macfarlane, Director of National Initiatives for the Billy Graham Association of Canada. His recent post Getting the Right Things Done caused me to do a lot of evaluation in my own leadership, and I hope it hits you the same way. In business we…
The First Job of the Leader as They Walk Through the Door
One of the most important leadership functions you may fulfill today could occur within seconds of your arrival. Effective leaders know that from the moment they enter a room their first job is to set the emotional temperature. They do this by what they say, how they talk, even by their facial expressions and body…
A Radical Call for Extra-Mile Leadership
An incident on the way home from Chicago to Kelowna, BC last week has reminded me yet again why extra-mile leadership should be the benchmark for all Christian leaders. My son was flying home from the U.S. version of The Global Leadership Summit, when a flight delay in Toronto meant he’d miss his connection flight…
An Urgent Call to Mobilize Your Team
Oh my. I’m sitting on my flight home from Chicago en route to Kelowna, processing all that transpired this week at the U.S. version of The Global Leadership Summit. My own heart was stirred in ways that will, I’m certain, forever mark my leadership. And I’ve renewed my resolve to see churches from across Canada…