“I think we get trapped by titles. We allow people to put a period where God has put a comma.” With that one simple, put profound statement, Bishop T.D. Jakes gave leaders at the 2016 Global Leadership Summit an entirely new way to think about their leadership “call”. Traditional thinking is that each leader focuses on their role, perhaps their title, and this role alone defines and determines their leadership call. But…
3 Messages Leaders Listen for in Silence
Effective leaders know that the art of communication is as much about listening as it is about talking. But to really master this art, leaders must learn to listen to, and interpret, silence as much as they listen to words. If you’re going to really understand what is happening with your team and with your…
The Importance of Being ‘Deep’ and ‘Wide’ in Effective Leadership
At its most basic level, leadership can be viewed as existing on two dimensions of impact; deep impact, and wide impact. Effective leaders learn to develop their leadership on each of these dimensions. The wide dimension of leadership refers to how many people can be led. Does the leader have the capacity to lead 5…
3 Times a Leader Must Kill Off a Good Idea
Leaders must be able to start things. Leaders must be able to complete things. And, more often than you’d think, sometimes leaders have to put an end to things. Sometimes they just have to kill off a good idea. But how can you tell if it’s time to kill off that idea? Here are 3…
Managing the Line Between Leadership Pressure, and Stress
Pressure is inevitable, and necessary, in the life of a leader. Stress, on the other hand, can cause tremendous damage. Every leader knows that pressure is an energy that generates actions and results. Internal pressure is that innate inner drive that causes a leader to want to accomplish great things; to improve the fortunes of…