Elevate Your Leadership Game by Abandoning the “If Just One Person” Mindset

As a leader, playing the “If just one person” card is one of the weakest ways to justify a decision. It shows that you are holding a weak hand. Playing the “If just one person” card seems to be a growing trend among many organizations, and it comes from a false formula in many aspects…

How to Increase Your Leadership By Weighing What Really Matters

Effective leaders know that while certain metrics require  counting, there are also vital indicators that require weighing. Let’s face it. Leaders measure. It’s part of what we do. It’s in our “DNA”. We want to know how many, how much, how often, how far and how fast. But as seasoned leaders will tell you, while counting tells you some important information,…

How to Increase Your Leadership By Weighing What Really Matters

Effective leaders know that while certain metrics require  counting, there are also vital indicators that require weighing. Let’s face it. Leaders measure. It’s part of what we do. It’s in our “DNA”. We want to know how many, how much, how often, how far and how fast. But as seasoned leaders will tell you, while counting tells you some important…