How To Prevent Life-Jackets From Becoming Straight-Jackets

If you cling too tightly to even the best of leadership tools, you could soon find these tools turning from a life-jacket into a straight-jacket. There are countless tools available to assist you in the leadership of your team or organization. Leaders typically embrace these tools like a life-jacket; something designed to keep your leadership afloat.…

4 Ways You Can Win the War on Worry

The energy leaders waste on worrying can be one of the greatest obstacles to their overall effectiveness. “What if we don’t hit our numbers?” “Supposing the new program launch isn’t successful?” These worries, and countless others like them, can dominate the thinking of leaders. But as a leader, you must maintain the discipline to avoid needless…

4 Important Lines Leaders Navigate To Be Effective

Leaders love starting lines, and they love finish lines. But effective leaders know that the battle is often won in the less glamorous “in-between” lines. Starting lines provide energy and excitement. They represent the launch of a new project or initiative. They represent take off, lift off and the possibilities of a new leadership adventure. But…

Is Optimism Always The Best Way To Lead? Here’s How to Tell

As a leader are you supposed to be an optimist, a pessimist, an idealist, or a realist? The answer is “yes”. Knowing when to be which can be a leadership game-changer. This is not about being inauthentic. The reality is, in some circumstances a leader must be a grim-faced pessimist, while in others it requires…