Want to Lead Better? Try These 5 Simple To-Do Items

Self-leadership requires self-evaluation. Leaders must be able to end their day, look back, and know with certainty whether or not this was a good leadership day. That means having a “to do” list that reflects priorities worth pursuing. It means knowing exactly what comprises an effective leadership day; it means understanding the elements that work…

Making Declarations: A Simple Step to Stronger Leadership

What you declare will go a long way to determining who you will become. Many leaders have values, most have opinions, and some even have convictions. But declarations are different. A leadership declaration is a personal statement of resolve that definitively underscores a leader’s core “DNA”. As an example, when I was in my early…

5 Judgement Crushers That Will Undermine Your Best Decisions

Without good judgement, you can’t have good leadership. Because good judgement is the foundation to making good decisions. Good judgement allows you to size up a challenging situation, and to make the right call. Good judgement allows you to examine a fork-in-the-road moment and to discern the appropriate path. And because good judgement is so vital…