When a leader responds to a question by saying, “I don’t know”, it can reveal transparency and authenticity. But sometimes, “I don’t know” is the very worst thing you could say as a leader. Increasingly, leaders are being coached that “It’s okay to say ‘I don’t know’”. This is a largely positive trend and, in…
How To Build Your Credibility By Eliminating These 5 Deadly Phrases
As a leader, you begin each day with a certain amount of “credibility chips” in your pocket. But if you use any of these phrases, those credibility chips are falling out of your pocket every time. And when you’re low on credibility, you’re low on the ability to lead effectively. Do you ever find yourself…
How Bad Virtual Habits Can Become Powerful Leadership Tools
The leadership habits you developed in the era of virtual meetings can be transformed into powerful leadership skills. In the space of a few short years, we went from virtual leadership from being an occasional convenience, to being an essential, regular part of how you lead. And while well-managed virtual leadership can extend your leadership,…
How To Fix “It Doesn’t Matter Who Gets The Credit”
You can’t build a great team, if you don’t know who keeps coming up with all those great ideas. As a leader, you need to know who your big idea generators are. And one of the biggest reasons so many leaders fail to identify their top idea people is because of misunderstanding the phrase, “Just…
How To Use a Leadership Tuning Fork to Drive Clarity
As a leader, one of the most under-rated instruments in your toolbox is a simple tuning fork. You might not carry the actual instrument with you, but I’ve learned that watching for “tuning fork moments” can be a crucial leadership tool. I saw this play out in conversation with a teammate who didn’t seem to…