If your team did not achieve a key goal, you probably know that this represents an opportunity to learn and grow. But knowing how to seize this growth opportunity is the key to effective leadership. Growing from an unsuccessful project is not a given. Many a leader has looked at a missed goal, shrugged their…
When “Half Cookie” Integrity Results In a Leadership Disaster
To protect your integrity as a leader, don’t focus only on the big, obvious temptations. Watch out for the subtle deceptions. Think of it this way. Have you ever made a personal commitment to lose weight, or to simply eat healthier, only to come across a steaming, fresh-out-of-the-oven plate of chocolate chip cookies? You knew…
How to Bounce Back When Your Leadership Is Rattled
Ever been rattled as a leader? Sure you have. It’s happened each time a project failed miserably. It’s happened each time you received a stinging criticism. No leader is immune to having their confidence shaken. And when it happens, depending how hard you’ve been rattled, it can cause you to begin second-guessing your leadership. Decisions…
5 Bizarre Leadership Tips That Do More Harm Than Good
What you believe as a leader will ultimately determine who you become as a leader. Unfortunately, the beliefs that many leaders cling to are not only outdated, but they can severely limit the growth potential of a leader who subscribes to these ideas. Here are five of the most commonly held bizarre leadership beliefs that do…
How To Become a Leader of Leaders
The ultimate test of your leadership is found in how well you can lead other leaders. To become a leader of leaders, it is imperative to grasp a few fundamental principles that will guide you towards becoming highly effective. And these principles are ones that I learned the hard way many years ago. Oh boy,…