This article is part of my Global Leadership series; Insights from more than a decade of leadership training around the world… If the leadership vision you are casting is not resulting in movement or action, you are simply sharing nice words. Leadership vision results in action. Whether it was Martin Luther King Jr’s, “I have…
How To Turn Everyday Conversations Into Inspiring Moments of Vision
The power of how you communicate as a leader is not limited to the great vision-casting speeches you make. Much of your impact takes place in your day to day conversations. Effective leaders know that there are no throw-away moments when it comes to communication. Every passing word, every conversation no matter how brief or…
3 Ways To Make Sure Nostalgia Doesn’t Hijack Your Vision
Nostalgia can have an important place with your team or organization. But if you’re not careful, nostalgia can hijack your vision. “We may be small now, but there was a day…” “We may not have a lot of impact now, but there was a day…” “We may be struggling now, but there was a day…”…
How To Use a Simple Tuning Fork to Drive Organizational Clarity
As a leader, one of the most under-rated instruments in your toolbox is a simple tuning fork. You might not carry the actual instrument with you, but I’ve learned that watching for “tuning fork moments” can be a crucial leadership tool. I learned this in conversation with a teammate who didn’t seem to understand the…
How 3 Key Questions Can Turn Your Vision From Flat To Fanfare
This article is part of my Global Leadership series; Insights from more than a decade of leadership training around the world… Whether or not your new leadership vision will fall flat, or will generate wild fanfare, has less to do with the vision itself, and more to do with how you go about casting the…