There will be hundreds of posts readily available this week to help you set new leadership targets for 2025. Today, I want to ask you a very different leadership question: “Is my soul in a better place today than it was a year ago?” For 12 months you’ve been doing the hard work of leadership.…
My Leadership Journey: 10 Books That Impacted Me Most In 2024
Leaders are readers. And that’s one reason why, when two leaders connect, one of the first questions they will ask is, “So, what are you reading these days?” I love to learn what other leaders are reading, and very often what they share with me ends up on my own reading list. And so, to…
Unlock Growth: 4 Leadership Focus Shifts You Need
“In leadership, you can have control or you can have growth. But you can’t have both.” – Craig Groeschel Leaders who feel the need to personally involve themselves in the minutia of the team’s operation rarely call themselves a “control freak”, but without realizing it, their need to control is impeding the very results they want…