Innovate, Don’t Imitate: 3 Essential Tips to Evade Copy-Cat Leadership

One of the best ways to develop in your leadership is to learn from other leaders. One of the worst ways is to merely copy these great leaders. Growing leaders will read about other great leaders, will seek to discern their leadership traits, even emulate their leadership skills. Copy-cat leaders do little more than mimic…

Demanding Leadership: How to Inspire Respect and Get Results Without Being a Jerk

You can be a results-oriented, demanding leader without being a jerk.  All too often, being a demanding leader is confused with simply being a jerk. But if you want to see your leadership impact grow, you need to know how to be results-oriented and demanding, without the “jerk factor”. Somewhere along the line, what it…

How To Maintain Your Integrity, Even When The Cookies Look Irresistible

To protect your integrity as a leader, don’t focus only on the big, obvious temptations. Watch out for the subtle deceptions. Think of it this way. Have you ever made a personal commitment to lose weight, or to simply eat healthier, only to come across a steaming, fresh-out-of-the-oven plate of chocolate chip cookies? You knew…

How To Grow Your Leadership By Overcoming The Trouble With Titles

If you rely on your title to establish your influence, you can be in for big trouble. Because your title can actually work against your efforts to be an authentic leader. The reality is, relying on your impressive title to establish your credibility can diminish your ability to lead effectively. Here are 3 occasions when…