How Bad Virtual Habits Can Become Powerful Leadership Tools

The leadership habits you developed in the era of virtual meetings can be transformed into powerful leadership skills. In the space of a few short years, we went from virtual leadership from being an occasional convenience, to being an essential, regular part of how you lead. And while well-managed virtual leadership can extend your leadership,…

How To Maximize Your Leadership in 2024 With a Fresh Bible Reading Plan

What disciplines will you introduce, or re-commit to, in order to maximize your leadership in 2024? If you are a leader of faith, one of most effective disciplines you can maintain is a steady diet of engagement with the bible. For leaders of faith, regular engagement with the bible provides: Practical wisdom Historical perspective Spiritual…

4 Below-The-Radar Disciplines That Can Make Or Break Your Leadership

In order to maximize leadership effectiveness, there are a number of disciplines that must be mastered. Some are obvious, but a few essential disciplines are often well below the radar. The obvious disciplines include: Hard work Planning and execution Initiative Resilience But what about the “below the radar” disciplines? Effective leaders know that there are…