Break Free from Assumptions: 3 Steps for Stronger Leadership

This article is part of my Global Leadership series; Insights from more than a decade of leadership training around the world… Leadership often requires the ability to make quick judgement calls. But when those quick assessments are based on weak assumptions, your leadership can be in trouble. If you want to maximize your leadership, you…

3 Ways Your Fast Decisions Could Be Hurting Your Results

Today’s leadership culture celebrates fast decision making. But the reality is, if your decisions are happening too quickly you could be doing more harm than good. A recent Google search on the question, “How to make fast decisions” returned an astonishing 490,000,000 hits. Some of the articles that appeared carried titles like: “How to Make…

5 Judgement Crushers That Will Undermine Your Best Decisions

Without good judgement, you can’t have good leadership. Because good judgement is the foundation to making good decisions. Good judgement allows you to size up a challenging situation, and to make the right call. Good judgement allows you to examine a fork-in-the-road moment and to discern the appropriate path. And because good judgement is so vital…