Effective leaders know that while certain metrics require counting, there are also vital indicators that require weighing. Let’s face it. Leaders measure. It’s part of what we do. It’s in our “DNA”. We want to know how many, how much, how often, how far and how fast. But as seasoned leaders will tell you, while counting tells you some important information,…
4 Key Areas for Leaders to Focus on Midway Through The Journey
Leaders love starting lines, and they love finish lines. But effective leaders know that the battle is often won in the less glamorous “in-between” lines. Starting lines provide energy and excitement. They represent the launch of a new project or initiative. They represent take off, lift off and the possibilities of a new leadership adventure. And,…
The Leader’s Guide to Mental Resilience: Strategies for Unwavering Focus
Effective leadership requires focus. To make the timely decision, to accurately assess a complex situation, or to quickly respond to a looming problem, the leader must be fully dialed in and singularly focused on the issue at hand. Just as driving while distracted drastically diminishes the ability to drive well, so too does distracted leadership…
5 Clear Indicators That You’ve Taken Your Eye Off The Leadership Ball
In leadership, one of your most important roles is to ensure that you, and your team, are keeping everyone’s eye on the ball at all times. That means providing clarity of focus and helping each person know which priorities require attention. Many years ago this hit me with full force during a particularly hectic season.…
How To Maximize The Impact Of “On The Way” Leadership
To increase your sense of satisfaction as a leader, shift your focus away from the destination and focus instead on the journey. Your satisfaction level will soar. Most leaders focus almost exclusively on “destination leadership”. That’s the emphasis on leading from the head of the conference table, from the white board in front of the…