There will be hundreds of posts readily available this week to help you set new leadership targets for 2025. Today, I want to ask you a very different leadership question: “Is my soul in a better place today than it was a year ago?” For 12 months you’ve been doing the hard work of leadership.…
Don’t Ignore These 4 Signs of a Leadership Slump
Have you ever been in a leadership slump? The best way to avoid such a slump is know the early warning signs so you can take preemptive action. Every leader hits a slump occasionally. It’s a season when you make a few wrong calls, when you can’t seem to rally people, or when you just…
3 Times When Your Best Leadership Move Is To Stop
The secret to sustainable, effective leadership is not only in knowing when to speed up, and when to slow down. More often you would think, sometimes it’s knowing when to stop. Effective leadership sometimes requires reducing your pace to a complete stand-still. The idea of intentionally grinding your leadership to a complete stop runs counter…
3 Proven Indicators You Are Growing as a Leader
You don’t have to guess whether you’re growing as a leader. You can take a simple test to know for sure. Imagine if you could somehow really tell if all the leadership books you are reading and the seminars you are attending are paying off. Without a reliable set of indicators to gauge the impact…
How The Best Leaders Evaluate A Great Day of Leadership
Wherever you lead, and in whatever capacity, there is one question that should be top of mind when the day is done. “Did I lead well today?” If you can’t answer that question clearly and definitively each and every day, what was the point of all of that leadership energy you expended? What was the…