Demanding Leadership: How to Inspire Respect and Get Results Without Being a Jerk

You can be a results-oriented, demanding leader without being a jerk.  All too often, being a demanding leader is confused with simply being a jerk. But if you want to see your leadership impact grow, you need to know how to be results-oriented and demanding, without the “jerk factor”. Somewhere along the line, what it…

How To Develop The 3 Essential Qualities In Kind Leadership

Leadership legacies are built more on kindness than they are on accomplishments. Kindness is action-oriented, and is an essential component to influencing lasting impact. Think of the qualities you have found in leaders who have had the greatest personal impact in your life. I’m sure that words like courageous, decisive, and visionary are somewhere on…

10 Unexpected Leadership Qualities I Need On My Team

The starting place for building an effective “dream team” is in having a crystal clear picture of the qualities you want in the people. If you were to make a list of the attributes you would want on the members of your leadership team you would likely include such characteristics as: Go-getter. Someone who ‘makes…