4 Ways To Elevate Your Leadership from Control to Growth

“In leadership, you can have control or you can have growth. But you can’t have both.” – Craig Groeschel Leaders who feel the need to personally involve themselves in the minutia of the team’s operation rarely call themselves a “control freak”, but without realizing it, their need to control is impeding the very results they want…

4 Ways To Effectively Mine for Emerging Leadership Talent

As a leader, nothing you do will ensure long-term success like finding and developing emerging leadership talent. Effective leaders are like gold-miners, always looking for the next “rising star” on the team. Rising stars are those members of your team who are exhibiting ever-increasing passion, desire and, most importantly, results. So, how do you actually spot…

3 Classic Signs Your Team’s Performance Is Suffering From a Mis-Performance Meltdown

Leaders spend a great deal of time and effort addressing issues of under-performance on their team. But in most cases, the issue that should really be dealt with is that of Mis-Performance, not under-performance. Mis-performance is the all-too common problem that sees members of a team deliver less than optimal results not through lack of effort, but…