Could You Be a Clipboard Leader? 3 Signs to Check

Leadership is about producing results, not reports. If you’ve ever encountered a leader who seemed more interested in inspecting activities than in inspiring results, you’ve encountered Clipboard Leadership. Clipboard Leadership is one of the most demotivating forms of authority you are ever likely to encounter. Clipboard Leadership emerges when the need for reports begins to…

5 Outdated Phrases That Really Hurt Your Leadership

What you believe as a leader will ultimately determine who you become as a leader. Unfortunately, the beliefs that many leaders cling to are not only outdated, but they can severely limit the growth potential of a leader who subscribes to these ideas. Here are five of the most commonly held leadership beliefs that could potentially be…

5 Worn-Out Phrases That Could Really Be Hurting Your Leadership Effectiveness

What you believe as a leader will ultimately determine who you become as a leader. Unfortunately, the beliefs that many leaders cling to are not only outdated, but they can severely limit the growth potential of a leader who subscribes to these ideas. Here are five of the most commonly held leadership beliefs that could…

3 Times A Leader Should Announce, “I QUIT!”

“A leader never quits!” From the moment we take our first baby-steps in leadership, this anti-quitting sentiment is drilled into our heads. But an episode that unfolded in my days as executive pastor in a large church jolted me into realizing that this axiom is simply not always true. Sometimes, leaders must have the courage…