When they hit a slump, effective leaders will fight their way through, when others are simply looking for a shortcut. Slumps can hit any leader, at any time. – The wins just aren’t happening, – The plan just isn’t coming together, – The team just isn’t responding, When that happens there can be a great…
3 Proven Indicators You Are Growing as a Leader
You don’t have to guess whether you’re growing as a leader. You can take a simple test to know for sure. Imagine if you could somehow really tell if all the leadership books you are reading and the seminars you are attending are paying off. Without a reliable set of indicators to gauge the impact…
4 Ways Exaggeration Can Be Causing Your Leadership Credibility To Take A Hit
As a leader you must certainly project optimism. But when you cross the line into exaggeration or hyperbole, your leadership is facing significant risks. A leader in my orbit once described a very average meeting we had been in as “Quite possibly our best meeting ever!” The statement was so over-the-top, and so removed from…
Do You Keep Saying, “I Hate Meetings”? You Could Be Killing Your Culture
When you say, “I hate meetings!”, your team could be receiving a message that might be damaging your culture more than you ever realized. In recent years a virtual movement has sprung up in leadership circles where it has become increasingly fashionable to announce, “I hate meetings!” When You Say ‘I Hate Meetings’ Your Team Hears…
You Want To Be Kind, But Is Your Leadership Really Demonstrating Kindness?
“The kindest form of leadership is the truth.” – Jack Welch The problem many leaders have with the concept of kindness is that they think it means to avoid speaking truth, in order to spare someone’s feelings. In fact, speaking the truth is the very essence of kindness. This is not to say that leaders…