Originally posted May 16, 2013 In a world starving for Godly leadership, what would you say to the upcoming crop of college graduates? At universities across the country and beyond, young men and women are about to take a bold step into a world that is looking for leadership. As such, there are 4 leadership…
3 Ways You Can tell if You’re Creating Energy Or Just Urgency
One of the most important jobs of a leader is to infuse a team or an organization with energy. Energy gives the team direction, motivation and the drive to succeed at all cost. The problem is that sometimes a leader thinks they are creating energy for the team, when in fact all they are producing…
Why Effective Leaders are Always Great Step-Takers
Leaders are step-takers. Faced with a challenge, sometimes of overwhelming proportions, the instinct of effective leaders at first might not to be to solve the entire problem; usually it begins with a burning drive to simply take the first-step. For this to happen typically there are three elements than converge, and leaders need to constantly…
Why leaders focus on OUTCOMES, not just OUTPUTS
Every leader seeks to identify, and measure, the results of their initiatives. But truly effective leaders also understand that there is a time and place for measuring OUTPUTS, and another time and place for focusing on OUTCOMES. Outputs are the tangible metrics you can see, feel and touch. Outcomes, on the other hand, are the…
The 5 Myths of Church Christmas Craziness
Originally posted December 6, 2011 Brace yourself. If you’re a leader in a local church you know that the wave of ministry overload is about to hit you and your team, if it hasn’t already. To survive, it is vital that you as a church leader provide clarity to your team as to why you are…