To protect your integrity as a leader, don’t focus only on the big, obvious temptations. Watch out for the subtle deceptions. Think of it this way. Have you ever made a personal commitment to lose weight, or to simply eat healthier, only to come across a steaming, fresh-out-of-the-oven plate of chocolate chip cookies? You knew…
3 Lies That Will Shipwreck Your Leadership
“The water should be deep enough here.” Many a ship’s captain has believed that lie, and many of their ships have ended up stranded on a sandbar or dashed against a reef. In the same way, there are lies that leaders are tempted to tell themselves every day. And some of these can shipwreck their…
3 Ways to Prevent a Mis-Performance Meltdown
Leaders spend a great deal of time and effort addressing issues of under-performance on their team. But in most cases, the issue that should really be dealt with is that of Mis-Performance, not under-performance. Mis-performance is the all-too common malady that sees members of a team deliver less than optimal results not through lack of effort, but…
3 Lies That Will Shipwreck Your Leadership
“The water should be deep enough here.” Many a ship’s captain has believed that lie, and many of their ships have ended up stranded on a sandbar or dashed against a reef. In the same way, there are lies that leaders are tempted to tell themselves every day. And some of these can shipwreck their…
3 Indicators You Need to Recharge Your Leadership Battery
When your leadership battery is fully charged, everyone around you wins. The leader sets the emotional and cultural tone for the team. And so when the leader’s personal energy is running strong the entire culture benefits. Teams are more cohesive Tough decisions are made with confidence Tensions on the team are resolved in a healthy manner…