How Great Leaders Measure Their Success Daily

Wherever you lead, and in whatever capacity, there is one question that should be top of mind when the day is done. “Did I lead well today?” If you can’t answer that question clearly and definitively each and every day, what was the point of all of that leadership energy you expended? What was the…

Want to Lead Better? Try These 5 Simple To-Do Items

Self-leadership requires self-evaluation. Leaders must be able to end their day, look back, and know with certainty whether or not this was a good leadership day. That means having a “to do” list that reflects priorities worth pursuing. It means knowing exactly what comprises an effective leadership day; it means understanding the elements that work…

Elevate Your Leadership Game by Abandoning the “If Just One Person” Mindset

As a leader, playing the “If just one person” card is one of the weakest ways to justify a decision. It shows that you are holding a weak hand. Playing the “If just one person” card seems to be a growing trend among many organizations, and it comes from a false formula in many aspects…

Demanding Leadership: How to Inspire Respect and Get Results Without Being a Jerk

You can be a results-oriented, demanding leader without being a jerk.  All too often, being a demanding leader is confused with simply being a jerk. But if you want to see your leadership impact grow, you need to know how to be results-oriented and demanding, without the “jerk factor”. Somewhere along the line, what it…

How To Use 3 Questions To Create Action From Your Vision

This article is part of my Global Leadership series; Insights from more than a decade of leadership training around the world… If the leadership vision you are casting is not resulting in movement or action, you are simply sharing nice words. Leadership vision results in action. Whether it was Martin Luther King Jr’s, “I have…