How To Avoid The Perils Of “Watch Me Swim” Leadership

Have you ever encountered a “watch me swim” leader? This is the person who insists on letting you know about every accomplishment they’ve achieved, no matter how small or insignificant. The attitude is very similar to the child splashing around the swimming pool, desperate for the grown-ups to notice their aquatic abilities. For children in…

Five Ways “I’m So Busy” Undermines Your Leadership Credibility

In a world that has attached a strange nobility to the notion of being busy, effective leaders stand out by avoiding the “I’m so busy” trap. One of the most effective leaders I’ve ever known was highly productive, and yet operated at a pace that was somehow both urgent and yet unhurried.  This leader had…

Could a Fresh Take on the Bible Be Part of Your Leadership Plan This Year?

What disciplines will you introduce, or re-commit to, in order to maximize your leadership in 2025? If you are a leader of faith, one of most effective disciplines you can maintain is a steady diet of engagement with the bible. For leaders of faith, regular engagement with the bible provides: Practical wisdom Historical perspective Spiritual…