Demanding Leadership: How to Inspire Respect and Get Results Without Being a Jerk

You can be a results-oriented, demanding leader without being a jerk.  All too often, being a demanding leader is confused with simply being a jerk. But if you want to see your leadership impact grow, you need to know how to be results-oriented and demanding, without the “jerk factor”. Somewhere along the line, what it…

How To Combine Passion and Discipline For Leadership Impact

It’s no secret. Passion is a required trait for any leader. But on its own, passion isn’t enough. Passion is certainly required to build a team, to implement change, and to drive towards a better future. But it will only get you out of the starting blocks. Effective leaders know that passion is only one part…

How To Build Your Credibility By Eliminating These 5 Deadly Phrases

As a leader, you begin each day with a certain amount of “credibility chips” in your pocket. But if you use any of these phrases, those credibility chips are falling out of your pocket every time. And when you’re low on credibility, you’re low on the ability to lead effectively. Do you ever find yourself…

Why ‘Remove Negative People From Your Life’ Is Terrible Advice For Leaders

The world may tell you to remove negative people from your life. But if you strive to be a high-impact leader, your goal should be just the opposite. You should be seeking out negative people, and placing yourself directly, and intentionally, in their midst. High-impact leadership requires nothing less of you. High-impact leadership is built…