How To Maximize The Impact Of “On The Way” Leadership

To increase your sense of satisfaction as a leader, shift your focus away from the destination and focus instead on the journey. Your satisfaction level will soar. Most leaders focus almost exclusively on “destination leadership”. That’s the emphasis on leading from the head of the conference table, from the white board in front of the…

Why ‘Remove Negative People From Your Life’ Is Terrible Advice For Leaders

The world may tell you to remove negative people from your life. But if you strive to be a high-impact leader, your goal should be just the opposite. You should be seeking out negative people, and placing yourself directly, and intentionally, in their midst. High-impact leadership requires nothing less of you. High-impact leadership is built…

An Easy Fix to a Leader’s Most Common Communication Challenge

Leadership is all about communication. Moving a group of people, or an entire church, to a preferred future requires the ability to leverage effective communication to stir people to action. This is why leaders can become easily frustrated when their persuasive words don’t seem to ignite the desired change in behavior. “Surely,” a leader will…