4 Important Lines You Must Watch To Be An Effective Leader

Leaders love starting lines, and they love finish lines. But effective leaders know that the battle is often won in the less glamorous “in-between” lines. Starting lines provide energy and excitement. They represent the launch of a new project or initiative. They represent take off, lift off and the possibilities of a new leadership adventure. And,…

How to Avoid the 4 Temptations of Being a Kind Leader

Being known as a kind person has been considered by some to be detrimental to effective leadership. But the evidence would indicate that just the opposite is true. In today’s world, kind people really do finish first when it comes to leadership. Kindness is not weakness. It is not passive and indecisive. It simply means…

4 Ways To Elevate Your Leadership from Control to Growth

“In leadership, you can have control or you can have growth. But you can’t have both.” – Craig Groeschel Leaders who feel the need to personally involve themselves in the minutia of the team’s operation rarely call themselves a “control freak”, but without realizing it, their need to control is impeding the very results they want…

How 5 Simple “To Do” Items Can Transform Your Leadership

Self-leadership requires self-evaluation. Leaders must be able to end their day, look back, and know with certainty whether or not this was a good leadership day. That means having a “to do” list that reflects priorities worth pursuing. It means knowing exactly what comprises an effective leadership day; it means understanding the elements that work…