As a leader, you likely spend a great deal of time and effort addressing issues of under-performance on your team. But in most cases, the issue that should really be dealt with is that of Mis-Performance, not under-performance. Mis-performance is the all-too common problem that sees members of a team deliver less than optimal results…
Lessons from Scrooge: Leadership and Compassion
Leaders have the power to give the gift of happiness, or of unhappiness, to those they lead. And the Christmas season is an ideal time to assess how effectively you have been distributing this precious commodity. This is not to say that the primary role of the leader is merely to ensure the personal well-being…
10 Unexpected Leadership Qualities I Need On My Team
The starting place for building an effective “dream team” is in having a crystal clear picture of the qualities you want in the people. If you were to make a list of the attributes you would want on the members of your leadership team you would likely include such characteristics as: Go-getter. Someone who ‘makes…
Are You Overthinking? Simple Steps to Choose Great Leadership Ideas
If you want to see your strategic plan drive new growth, you need to weed out the ideas that just don’t belong. Even the great ideas. One of the great challenges facing all leaders is how to determine whether each new idea that comes along should find its way into your overall plan. This tool…
Are You Missing These Key Traits of Leadership Intelligence?
When you are leading in a challenging season, you must up your game in just about every dimension of effective leadership. But no skill could be more important than that of leadership intelligence. When your team is feeling unsettled, or even fearful, there’s little point in casting vision, devising strategies or even setting goals; at…