If your leadership values haven’t caused you some pain or discomfort, they may not be values. They might just be good ideas. A value doesn’t become an integral part of your leadership until you’ve drawn a line in the sand. A line in the sand where your core values intersect with tangible leadership situations. Several…
Why Your Team Needs You to Disappear (Sometimes)
Leadership is about “showing up”; it’s often about leveraging your presence in a room in order to influence, to cast vision, to bring alignment and to build teams. But effective leaders are just as strategic about leveraging their absence in order to move their organizations forward. But here are four types of leadership absences that can…
3 Time Hacks That Will Make You a More Effective Leader Now.
How important is the connection between where you invest your time, and the velocity of forward momentum? It’s everything. Whether you’re leading a small team, a department, or the entire organization, where you choose to invest your time will have a direct bearing on the likelihood that things will surge ahead. Here’s what it looks…
Simple Ways to Use Curiosity to Drive Leadership Results
How high is your leadership curiosity quotient (LCQ)? The first indication that you’re low on the curiosity scale is that you tend to accept things pretty much the way things are. But if you’re an effective leader, you’ll rank high on the curiosity scale. Your LCQ will be in the upper range, and as a…
Transform Your Leadership Style from Hoarding to Giving
In your leadership, are you a hoarder, a lender or a giver? How you answer that question will go a long way to determining what kind of impact you’ll have. The hoarding leader The hoarding leader is someone who devours leadership learnings, but keeps it all to themselves. Rather than investing their knowledge and experience…